Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Experience blogging assignment

This assignment was to read someone's blog and talk about your experience and the good and bad about class blogging.I chose to read Dealana Beamis's blogs.She has a good background for her blog.It is a lot more exciting looking then mine.More colors then mine.She is more personal with her blog then I am.I think blogging is mostly good for a classroom but i guess it comes down to the teacher and what the teacher feels comfortable with.I must say I am not the most comfortable person with technology but i think blogging is very easy and useful tool.In a classroom the cons would have to be safety concerns and time restraints.Another con might be not enough equipment to use the technology well.I think these cons can be fixed with rules and parent student contracts.good scheduling,and funding.The pros are unlimited it opens many educational opportunities and gives a home to school connection.The best part is that blogging gives children a chance to share their class with their parents and other family.It provides a window into a big part of the students lives which is spend in their classroom.Letting the students blog gives them a chance to express themselves and be creative without pressure.The pros definitely out weigh the cons.

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