Saturday, September 13, 2008

fischbowl assignment

I am not sure what to write about this blog but here goes.The blog is about teachers who our illiterate about technology.The writer of the blog compares teachers and educational professionals who cannot use computers today to people who were illiterate in the 19 Th century.The blogger says they are the same as far as educational ability.This sounds pretty harsh.I would not go that far to make that comparsion my self.I must say the blogger made the comment of personal computers being around for thirty years;this might be true but I am in my early thirties and did not have a computer in my home until i was in my mid twenties.I know I lot of other people who did not as well.Computers were not in my classrooms as a child and I was not offered a computer class in school until 1993.
I do agree that computers are extremely important now and in the future.I do not understand why a teacher or someone who chooses education as a career would not want to expand their knowledge any way they could.I believe teachers should have some technology skills in order to be a good teacher.I don't believe they need to know everything about technology unless they are technology teachers.

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